Tiny Car Controller Advance

This controller allows you to create and control a basic vehicle with fully configurable, arcade-like physics.
Instead of using Unity’s default wheel collider, which is often needlessly complicated and prone to glitches, the wheels on this controller are made of sphere colliders with several specifically configured joints to mimic a vehicle’s motor, steering, and suspension.
Please note: This is NOT an upgrade from the original Tiny Car Controller. This asset is a completely new controller with its own mechanics.
Want to try before you buy? Try the WebGL demo!https://davidjalbert.itch.io/tiny-car-controller-advance-webgl-demo

Technical details:

  • Easy hassle-free setup

  • Control acceleration, speed, friction, transmission, collisions, and more

  • Uses Unity’s physics engine for perfect compatibility with other assets

  • Lightweight, perfect for mobile gamesIncludes example scripts to take care of input and camera

  • Compatible with any OS, render pipeline, or Unity version


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